//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pololu MC 33926 motor driver with 'CPR' counts per revolution at the output shaft. // // Designed to drive the motor using a pot and read the velocity and the accelerometer values. // // Created 07/11/13 Joan Aguilar // Modified 05/01/14 Joan Aguilar // Modified 04/29/16 Brendan + Diogo + Sumner //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If using interrupts, it only works with motor 2 const int D2 = 4; // D2 pin, disables the motors if low const int M2DIR = 8; // Motor 2 direction const int M2PWM = 10; // Motor 2 input (PWM) const int M2EN = 12; // Motor 2 Diag const int M2FB = 15; // (Analog1 pin) Motor 2 current sense const float CPR = 464.1; // Encoder counts per revolution // Encoder/interrupt pins const int encoderApin = 2; const int encoderBpin = 3; // Input pot pins const int potValPin = 19; // A5 // Accelerometer pin const int accelPin = 18; // A4 // Encoder status volatile int encoderA; volatile int encoderB; // Time variables unsigned long currentMicros; unsigned long oldMicros; unsigned long oldPrintMicros; // Position variables const int origPos = 0; // Original position volatile long rawPos; // Actual position float Pos; float oldPos; // Old position value // Direction variable boolean forward; // Velocity variables float Vel; float filteredVel; float intVel = 0; float rpmVel; // Pot value int potVal; // Accelerometer value const int acceln = 200; const int accelMean = 263; const int accelRange= 51; float accelVal; float accelValArray[acceln]; float accelValMax; int accelMaxIndex; // Filter variables const int nFilterVal = 200; float filterVal [nFilterVal]; // Control float u; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { // Enable motors pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); // Enable motor direction pin pinMode(M2DIR, OUTPUT); // Enable current sense pinMode(M2FB, INPUT); // Enable encoder pinMode(encoderApin, INPUT); pinMode(encoderBpin, INPUT); // Enable pot pin pinMode(potValPin, INPUT); // Enable accelerometer pin pinMode(accelPin, INPUT); // Read encoder status encoderA = digitalRead(encoderApin); encoderB = digitalRead(encoderBpin); // Attach interrupts attachInterrupt(0, encoderAchange, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(1, encoderBchange, CHANGE); // Read pot value potVal = analogRead(potValPin); // Initialize accelerometer for (int n = 0; n < acceln; n++) { accelValArray[n] = 0.0; } accelVal = abs((float)(analogRead(accelPin) - accelMean)/accelRange); accelValArray[0] = accelVal; accelValMax = accelVal; accelMaxIndex = 0; // Set time variables currentMicros = micros(); oldMicros = currentMicros; oldPrintMicros = currentMicros; // Set pos variables rawPos = origPos; // Set raw position Pos = 2*PI*rawPos/CPR; // Set position oldPos = Pos; // Set old position // Set velocity Vel = 0; // Set direction forward = true; // Initialize filter for (int n = 0; n < nFilterVal; n++) { filterVal[n] = 0; } filteredVel = filter(filterVal, nFilterVal); rpmVel = 30*filteredVel/PI; // Initialize control u = 0.0; // Open serial port Serial.begin(115200); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loop() { // Read/compute status currentMicros = micros(); Pos = 2*PI*rawPos/CPR; // In rad if (currentMicros != oldMicros) { Vel = 1000000.0*(Pos - oldPos)/(currentMicros - oldMicros); // In rad/s } potVal = analogRead(potValPin); accelVal = abs((float)(analogRead(accelPin) - accelMean)/accelRange); u = velController(Vel, intVel, PI*potVal/35); runMotor(u); // Update values oldPos = Pos; oldMicros = currentMicros; updateArray(accelVal, accelValArray, acceln); accelMaxIndex++; if (accelVal >= accelValMax) { accelValMax = accelVal; accelMaxIndex = 0; } if(accelMaxIndex >= acceln) { searchMax(accelValArray, &accelValMax, &accelMaxIndex, acceln); } // Filter values updateArray(Vel, filterVal, nFilterVal); filteredVel = filter(filterVal, nFilterVal); rpmVel = 30*filteredVel/PI; // Print if needed if (currentMicros > oldPrintMicros + 10000) { oldPrintMicros = currentMicros; // Update oldMillis // Flush the buffer and print on screen Serial.flush(); Serial.print("rpm"); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(abs(rpmVel), 3); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("g"); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(accelValMax); // Serial.flush(); // Serial.print(currentMicros/1000000.0, 3); // Serial.print("\t"); // Serial.print(potVal); // Serial.print("\t"); // Serial.print(abs(rpmVel), 1); // Serial.print("\t"); // Serial.print(u); // Serial.print("\t"); // Serial.println(accelValMax); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- float velController(float Vel, float intVel, float desVel) { float errorVel; float Kp = 10; float Ki = 1e-6; float u; errorVel = (desVel - Vel); intVel += errorVel*(currentMicros - oldMicros); u = Kp*errorVel + Ki*intVel; // P velocity control return u; } void encoderAchange() { if (digitalRead(encoderApin) == digitalRead(encoderBpin)){ rawPos --; } else if (digitalRead(encoderApin) != digitalRead(encoderBpin)){ rawPos ++; } } void encoderBchange() { if (digitalRead(encoderApin) == digitalRead(encoderBpin)){ rawPos ++; } else if (digitalRead(encoderApin) != digitalRead(encoderBpin)){ rawPos --; } } void updateArray(float newVal, float *array, int N) { for (int n = N-1; n > 0; n--) { array[n] = array[n-1]; } array[0] = newVal; } void searchMax(float *array, float *maxVal, int *index, int N) { *maxVal = 0; for (int n = 0; n < acceln; n++) { if (array[n] > *maxVal) { *maxVal = array[n]; *index = n; } } } float filter(float *filterArray, int N) { float cumSum = 0; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { cumSum += filterArray[n]; } return (cumSum/N); } void runMotor(float u) { boolean forward = (u > 0.0); if (forward) { digitalWrite(M2DIR, LOW); if (u > 255.0) {analogWrite(M2PWM, 255);} else {analogWrite(M2PWM, (int)u);} } else { digitalWrite(M2DIR, HIGH); if (u < -255.0) {analogWrite(M2PWM, 255);} else {analogWrite(M2PWM, -(int)u);} } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------